Jeff Hull
The SolveBio Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2017


SolveBio will be at BioIt World in Boston, May 23–25 at Booth 436.

SolveBio will be at Bio-IT World in Boston, May 23–25 at Booth #436.

Precision medicine and the development of targeted therapies depend upon the use of molecular information at scale. SolveBio is the operating system for precision medicine.

Schedule a demo at our booth

Come talk to our science and engineering teams, see why our technology is a finalist for the Bio-IT World Best of Show award, and enter to win signed copies of books by our luminary advisors George Church and Stephen Wolfram.

The SolveBio platform is used at biopharma groups that are on the leading edge of precision medicine drug development.

Customers quickly answer questions, deploy applications, and discover new connections among data that would not have been seen otherwise.

Use SolveBio to ask:

  • What is the prevalence of loss of function mutations in BRCA1 ovarian cancer patients?
  • What are all the papers that have ever mentioned this genetic variant?
  • What other studies in my organization have seen this finding?

What questions aren’t you asking of your data?

Schedule a demo at our booth

SolveBio is a Best of Show Finalist for Bio-IT World 2017

